I den norska studien har forskarna följt upp närmare 27 000 patienter diagnosticerade med en demenssjukdom och som förskrivits läkemedel mot demens och psykofarmaka mellan 2004 och 2010.
Efter justering av kön, ålder, dosering och andra sjukdomar fann forskarna att dödligheten var mer än fördubblad bland dementa som behandlats med antipsykotiska preparat jämfört med de som fått andra psykofarmaka.
Studien bekräftar därmed de nuvarande behandlingsriktlinjerna att ta det försiktigt med antipsykotisk medicin till dementa.
Skribenten är själv ansvarig för det hen skriver i kommentatorsfälten på www.lakemedelsvarlden.se. Läs mer
“Brain Damage Caused by Neuroleptic Psychiatric Drugs”
“In the past two decades, countless medical studies have shown that use of neuroleptic psychiatric drugs (also known as antipsychotics) is associated with structural brain changes, especially when taking high dosages for a long time. These brain changes can include actual shrinkage of the higher level parts of the brain. The shrinkage can be seen in brain scans and autopsy studies. In response to industry defenders who claim that this shrinkage is from the ‘mental illness,’ studies show neuroleptics lead to similar brain changes in animals. While the medical side of large libraries has this information, the public media side of the library does not. In other words, the public, patients and their families are not being informed about what medicine has long known.”
“Scientific Proof: Antipsychotics Shrink Brains”
“A long-awaited, 14 year magnetic imaging (MRI) follow-up study by Dr. Nancy Andreasen, involving 211 patients, documents progressive shrinkage of brain
tissue volume in patients prescribed antipsychotics.
‘Some are losing as much as 1 percent per year. That?s an awful lot over an 18-year period?Another thing we?ve discovered is that the more drugs you?ve been given, the more brain tissue you lose.'”
“Andreasen Drops A Bombshell: Antipsychotics Shrink the Brain”
“Moreover, she found that this shrinkage was dose related. The more drug a person is given, the greater the association with ‘smaller grey matter volumes,’. This shrinkage ‘occurs independent of illness severity and substance abuse.’ Those two factors–illness severity and substance abuse–had ‘minimal or no effects’ on brain volumes.”